Fashion keeps on changing from time to time and this has posed both challenges and opportunities. Gracing runaways, parties, and events with the latest in the fashion industry is not an easy task. Leaving the aspect of price alone, getting to know what is trending can also be a hard nut to crack. Women who have bulging closets always find themselves stuck on what to put on and this is slowly sliding into a fashion crisis.

Technology, on the other hand, has had a traditional inclination towards inventions and machinery. This trend has however changed especially with the coming of mobile applications. There are applications for almost anything today from food to agriculture and even leisure. Fashion has been one of the latest beneficiaries of the application craze. There is so much that one can do with a phone or computer more than just browsing and connecting with friends.
Through applications, fashionistas are exploring ways to swap stylish and classic outfits as well as rent them out.
Rent the Runway’s Application
This is an iPhone application that utilizes images fed into it to find similar matches somewhere else. Shoppers just need to take images of the garments that they have seen in the store and this application will help them find an equivalent garment to rent. According to consumer reviews and owners of designer garments rent companies, the app has been hailed as an efficient shopping tool. This technology has helped solve the puzzle where someone is invited to an event and they are stuck on what to wear. The decision to either buy or rent is always a difficult one if you have not seen the options available.
99dresses App
This is another application that gives an opportunity for women to refresh and spice up their wardrobes. It is ideal for swapping of clothes, handbags, and shoes with other fashionistas. This application increases your social circles by trading fashion with friends, friends of friends and many others that you may not have prior knowledge of.
With this app, women take photos of the apparel they want to trade then upload them. They then give a clear description of the fashion items including their weight, size, design, and condition. Using these details, the application determines their worth using virtual currency. Users on the other end can browse different categories such as skirts, tops, dresses, and much more depending on the item they are looking for. Upon finding the desired apparel, they pay for the shipping cost and a small fee of the item’s retail value.
This application targets women who buy trendy and classic clothing and helps them to clean their wardrobes.

In addition to these apps, there are a host of other applications that are aimed at making shopping for fashion items easier and convenient. Such apps include Tradesy, Threadflip, and Poshmark. They all run on the iPhone platform with the exception of Threadflip which runs on iPad. Poshmark, in particular, concentrates on shopping events and virtual parties where vintage clothing is showcased.
In summary, technology has in a great way impacted on the penetration of fashion and sharing of information that is both useful and valuable. Fashion shoppers have become more knowledgeable and have a wide platform where they can buy, sell, rent or even swap fashion wears.
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