Fashion keeps on changing from time to time and this has posed both challenges and opportunities. Gracing runaways, parties, and events with the latest in the fashion industry is not an easy task. Leaving the aspect of price alone, getting to know what is trending can also be a hard nut to crack.  Women who have bulging closets always find themselves stuck on what to put on and this is slowly sliding into a fashion crisis.


Black Elegant Double Breasted Asian Fashionable Coat

Technology, on the other hand, has had a traditional inclination towards inventions and machinery. This trend has however changed especially with the coming of mobile applications. There are applications for almost anything today from food to agriculture and even leisure. Fashion has been one of the latest beneficiaries of the application craze. There is so much that one can do with a phone or computer more than just browsing and connecting with friends.

Through applications, fashionistas are exploring ways to swap stylish and classic outfits as well as rent them out.

Rent the Runway’s Application

This is an iPhone application that utilizes images fed into it to find similar matches somewhere else. Shoppers just need to take images of the garments that they have seen in the store and this application will help them find an equivalent garment to rent. According to consumer reviews and owners of designer garments rent companies, the app has been hailed as an efficient shopping tool. This technology has helped solve the puzzle where someone is invited to an event and they are stuck on what to wear. The decision to either buy or rent is always a difficult one if you have not seen the options available.

99dresses App

This is another application that gives an opportunity for women to refresh and spice up their wardrobes. It is ideal for swapping of clothes, handbags, and shoes with other fashionistas. This application increases your social circles by trading fashion with friends, friends of friends and many others that you may not have prior knowledge of.

With this app, women take photos of the apparel they want to trade then upload them. They then give a clear description of the fashion items including their weight, size, design, and condition. Using these details, the application determines their worth using virtual currency.  Users on the other end can browse different categories such as skirts, tops, dresses, and much more depending on the item they are looking for. Upon finding the desired apparel, they pay for the shipping cost and a small fee of the item’s retail value.

This application targets women who buy trendy and classic clothing and helps them to clean their wardrobes.

Grey Slim Mini Dress with Cute Small Frill Korean Designers Collection

In addition to these apps, there are a host of other applications that are aimed at making shopping for fashion items easier and convenient. Such apps include Tradesy, Threadflip, and Poshmark. They all run on the iPhone platform with the exception of Threadflip which runs on iPad. Poshmark, in particular, concentrates on shopping events and virtual parties where vintage clothing is showcased.

In summary, technology has in a great way impacted on the penetration of fashion and sharing of information that is both useful and valuable. Fashion shoppers have become more knowledgeable and have a wide platform where they can buy, sell, rent or even swap fashion wears.

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  •  License: Image author owned
  •  License: Image author owned

Get More Sleep For Healthy Skin

Sleep is the time our skin uses to relax to the fullest and recover from the stress accumulated during the day. Therefore, if you really want to preserve the beauty and natural glow of your face, it is important to learn how to use optimally your night rest in order to take care of your skin. Remember that no matter how many face balms, creams and lotions you use, there is no point of doing it if you deprive your body of its much needed night’s rest, and this is something that reflects on both your health and the condition and appearance of your skin.


So, most dermatologists say that quality sleep and relaxation keeps your skin healthy and beautiful. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal has shown that sleep deprivation damages our skin. This is because when people are physically and mentally tired, usually some stress appears, and this affects not only our appearance but also your overall health condition.

During the day, your skin is being exposed to various harmful influences, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, etc. Therefore, it is the night time that our organism takes to recover the function of our skin because it is restful sleep that allows your skin to cope with the stressful and damaging factors from the environment.

Here are some of the main advantages and positive effects that sleep provides your skin with:

Clean and smooth face

More sleep means more radiant and smoother skin without any wrinkles on. On the other hand, lack of sleep often leads to stress and unpleasant skin disorders such as acne, blackheads, etc. After they have made an interesting study, some experts have proved that most college students who get less sleep during their exams, have more skin problems than during the rest of the school year.

Twinkle in the eye

Dark circles around the eyes are also some of the most common problems when it comes to skin. So, in order to get your previous freshness, try to get used to falling asleep earlier than you usually do, which means that it is best if you manage to do so before midnight. Meanwhile, in order to hide dark circles, you can use a simple trick – apply a thin layer of eye contour cream and then gently apply skin concealer, which is one tone lighter than your skin tone.

An even skin complexion

Staying up after midnight has a negative impact on your skin complexion. It has been proved that the skin of people, who go to sleep too late and sleep less, is weaker and is exposed to more problems. Sound sleep stimulates the blood flow to your skin which gives it a fresh and radiant appearance. However, if your night time sleep has proved to be insufficient and you have woken up with uneven tan, try applying some translucent loose powder, which is usually used to fix make-up, but in this case it can really do wonders.

Fresh and youthful appearance

Some research has confirmed that people, who spend minimum eight hours of sleep are in a better overall health condition, tire harder, demonstrate their good mood more often and are more creative and more attractive.

Say goodbye to puffy eyes once and for all

Very often not getting enough sleep may cause some eyes problem, the most common one of which is puffy eyes. Usually this problem is due to the horizontal position of the body, which leads to redistribution of fluids in your body tissues. Of course, such a swelling may also be a result of eating too much salt in your food. Therefore, make sure you limit your salt intake, drink more water, and more importantly, try having a good and healthy sleep.

Anyone who has ever worn perfume will know how annoying it is when the smell fades after only a short time period. Unfortunately, this often occurs because people just don’t know how to apply their perfumes properly and are also unaware of a number of other tips that can help make their lovely scents last longer.

Applying perfume correctly

If you are a perfume wearer, you will probably apply it on your wrists and on your neck but do you know why you do this? Perfume should always be applied on pulse points, hence why you are applying it onto your wrists and your neck. You apply it on pulse points because your pulse, at each warm and steady beat, helps the perfume’s scent be sent out so you and others around you can smell it.

Other pulse points include:

  • Behind the knees
  • Behind the ears
  • Over the heart
  • Inside the elbow joint
  • Groin

Try to layer scents that complement each other

When you are planning which perfume to wear, if you want the scent to linger, you really have to think about everything from what shower gel and body lotions you’re using to the types of clothes you’re going to wear.

When you want a particular scent to linger, you must choose shower gels and lotions that are in the same fragrance family, otherwise the scent of your perfume may be overpowered by everything else you are putting on your body.

You need to make sure you aren’t clashing scents since this will have a negative effect on the scent of your perfume. Most perfume brands will do shower gel and body lotion variations of their perfumes, so if you use these, instead of any other products, your scent will most definitely stick around longer.

Keep your skin moisturized

Moisturized skin retains scents much longer than dry skin. Therefore in order to make your fragrance last longer on your body; you need to make sure you moisturise regularly. The best way to keep your skin moisturised is to apply body lotion after you come out of the shower. Warm water helps open up your skin’s pores, so if you apply cream directly after drying yourself, your pores will be able to absorb the moisture from the cream. This is also the best time to apply your perfume, since your pores will still be open.

Wear the right scent for the weather

A little known fact about perfume is that it can be affected by the weather. For example, in heat a perfume’s fragrance will be intensified, which means, if your perfume is already strong and you are wearing it in summer, it will be even stronger.

Likewise, if you are wearing a light smelling perfume in winter, the smell will be made even lighter by the cold. Ideally, if you want your scents to last and for you to smell as nice as possible throughout the seasons, you need to wear a lighter smelling fragrance in the summer months and heavier, warmer fragrances throughout the colder months.

Tips for Mascara Newbies

If you are new to mascara application and find yourself  confused or intimated  by mascara application, fear no more. Mascara application doesn’t have to be a tricky, complicated mess.  With some quick tips, and practice,  you can achieve those thick and lush lashes that you have been wishing for.



The Brush

To start with make sure you open the mascara tube slowly. Do not yank the brush out of its tube. Instead gently untwist the brush from the tube. Remember to always to be gentle with opening and closing the mascara tube, be careful to not “pump” the wand, so that you trap air inside the mascara tube.


Removing Clumps

Depending on the formula of your mascara, your mascara wand might come out of the tube, looking thick and gooey. This can be easily remediated by taking a clean, lash comb and gently running it through the mascara wand. Doing so with prevent your mascara from going on unevenly and looking clumpy, and messy.



Once you have your de-clumped mascara wand, you are ready to apply the mascara to your bare lashes. Take the wand and starting at the root of your top lash line’s lashes take the mascara and wiggle the wand gentle up and down. From the root slowly wiggle your wand out toward the ends of the lashes, slowly coating the entire lash from root to  tip. Since some mascaras can be a bit wet, be very careful not to blink immediately after applying mascara, or else you will end up with little black mascara lines under your eyes. Not mention if you blink right after applying mascara, sometimes you can have the misfortune of getting mascara in your eyes, which really stings.


The Second Layer

After you have allowed the layer of mascara to fully dry, you can move on to the second top layer of mascara to the your top lash line.  Hold your mascara wand up against where your eyelid and eyelash connect. Be careful to not get mascara on your eyelid, it can be a bear to remove. If you are a newbie applying mascara, I would recommend you do your mascara first before applying you shadow or eyeliner. There is nothing more frustrating than completely ruining an almost finished eye look, with a pesky, stray mascara smug. Once you have the wand lined up against the top eyelash root, slowly wiggle the wand from the root to the tip. Again don’t blink, for a few seconds as you allow this second coat to completely dry.


The Final Brush Strokes

Now that  have defined and thickened the top set of lashes, it is time to focus on the petite, baby lashes on your lower lash line.  To enhance the  lower lash line you can use the same mascara that you used on your top lash line, or if you want extra precision you could use a mascara, such as Clinique Bottom Lash mascara,  that has a smaller brush that has lots of short stubby bristles to catch all the delicate, little lashes.  Again like with the top lash line, start at the root, wiggle, and extend out toward the tip of the lash.


A Clinique mascara with a really small brush which is great for defining and enhancing those bottom lashes with precision!
Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara – # 01 Black 2ml/0.07oz

Remember even of these tips seem difficult, keep in mind that everyone at one point in their life was a mascara newbie too.  With a little practices and bit of patience you could find yourself able to effortlessly apply mascara.