Review of Curve by Liz Claiborne

Some perfumes are cool for a season or two. They are amazing at first, but after a while  you may tire of the perfume and it becomes a thing of the past. Although a few perfumes like Curve by Liz Claiborne really stands out from the plethora of perfumes to choose from on the market today.

Liz Claiborne Curve Eau De Toilette Spray 50ml/1.7oz
Liz Claiborne Curve Eau De Toilette Spray 50ml/1.7oz



Some perfumes can be classified as a short term love affair, a fling, they are spectacular at first, they come in glamour bottles and are highly advertised, but  odds are eventually you lose the happy, giddy excitement associated with the perfume.  Curve is not that kind of perfume. To me Curve is a perfume that I would classify as a long term relationship perfume. It has so many intricate layers, it’s sweet, it’s floral,  it’s a little creamy and a little spicy. It’s the jack of trades of the perfumes.  This perfume has so many dimensions. Its kind of floral like after a spring rain kind scent at first whiff, but then as the scent lingers a bit it becomes more a sweet, creamy dessert like scent

The perfume was launched in the 199o’s. And still to this day it’s around. I’d seen it stores, but was quickly distracted by the more colorful, boxes of the newest and greatest perfume to launch. All this time unaware that my perfume “soul mate” was there the whole time. So the other day, there while perusing the aisles of perfume, I noticed that there was a scratch a smell label on the bottle of perfume, and I couldn’t resist. It was very intricate, non-assuming scent. It wasn’t the kind of perfume that really draws attention to itself. It’s more like this perfume that says something like, ” I’m classy,  I don’t  have to come in a fancy bottle, be adorned with decoration, or have strong scents to be noticed.  I’m Curve, I’m a classic, and I’m here to stay.”


I  think since trying Curve by Liz Claiborne, I’ve  just found my signature scent. Ever since I tried the Curve perfume, I haven’t been able to stop smelling my wrist where I sprayed the perfume. This delightful scent is a bit addicting. This is the kind of perfume that makes me want to become a “one perfume kind of woman” and commit to one just one perfume, instead of have flings with all the newest and greatest perfumes hitting shelves. This is one perfume that can appeal to a wide variety of different preferences that people look for in a perfume, and I really believe it’s going to be a classic that will be around for long time to come.

About the author: Model, social media junkie, beauty and fashion blogger, and makeup enthusiast.

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